Sunday, October 10, 2010

Basement Walls and more....

Today, 10-10-10, was an exciting day for the Klossners. We went to our mountain home site and the footings are done, basement walls are up, sealed and backfilled.  We even have basement window openings!

This coming week we have been told to expect the subflooring to be put up and hopefully the electric company will be there to dig the trench and get the lines laid and connected to the box. We are waiting on Black Hills Energy to get this completed. It was ordered first of September, and we were told it was 3 weeks to get it done. It has now been 5 weeks and still no electricity! 

Our logs are being put on the "truck" on Monday and will be driven to our home site. They are coming from Montana, all shrink wrapped and protected from weather. (Interesting, since they are logs and will be in the weather all the time!) We ordered the logs from Rocky Mountain Homes and they are stunning. We were sent pictures to verify that we had 9 inch logs. 

Hans and I selected two wonderful aspens to cut and will become our mantles for our fireplaces. We will need 3 mantles: living room, bedroom and family room. Hans then sliced the trees in half and we brought them home. Hans is going to sand them, cut them flat on one side and varnish them to become our mantles made from aspen trees from our land! How cool is that! 

We just missed Amy Zehnder and Cindy Coe as they came up to see the progress...but we had already left for Colorado Springs.  Love having people stop by so we can share our excitement!  

Some pictures to share:

Basement walls with sealant and basement window outside view

Inside of house in basement.  Two windows and backfilled

Logs we will use for our 3 fireplace mantles

Hans geared up to saw trees for mantles

Hans cutting the trees into halves for our mantles

Two halves--two mantles.  Hans is so creative he will make these into our mantles

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