Today, Saturday, October 23 Hans and I drove up to "our mountain" to see what progress has been done on our home. As I have been out of town for the past two weeks, I haven't been able to see the progress. Since I was up there two weeks ago, our logs have been delivered, framing done in the basement, sub-flooring completed and in some spots at least 4 layers of logs have been laid.
The front windows and front door have been framed in. It is becoming a home that has definition rather than just a vision.
Disappointed in Black Hills Energy, as the power hasn't been run yet. We are worried that they are dragging their feet. If we don't get this in before the ground freezes it won't get in until spring...which won't work for the rest of the construction. Right now the construction crew is using our generator to produce electricity for the current construction, but it won't work for inside work. Hans is going to call on Monday and "rattle some chains" to see if he can find out what the problem is. Our weather has turned quite cold and on Tuesday of this coming week it is supposed to be 17 that's cold! However, just after that it warms up again and by the weekend will be high 50's.
If the electricity gets in, the rest can be done even in cold weather. So far, only snow flurries...nothing measureable.
Needless to say, we are hoping for a warm winter and sunny days...I know that goes against the grain of what most people hope for our Colorado winters.
Here are some photos to keep you updated on our progress...our dream is becoming reality!
From behind the house looking to the back door...You can see the front window and front door framed |
Side view of the logs. This one has been cut for the door frame. On the top of the log you will see the framing strip that insulates the log. They add a strip of insulation and then the next log. Creates a very tight seal |
Better view of the framing strip and insulation |
There is always clean up. Hans and I try to do what we can while we are there to pick up trash, bits of wood, etc. to help clean up the area. It definitely looks like a construction zone. As I sit and fantasize about our future landscaping |
Outside corner...looking like Lincoln Logs...notice the tight fit! Well sealed.
We will NOT have chinking between the logs
Inside corner where bathroom and outside meet